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Saturday, October 23, 2010

Not world of warcraft: FALLOUT NEW VEGAS!!!!1!!!!

k, so i know its not world of warcraft related but its a fricken amazing game. i played the hell out of fallout 3, beat every mission any way possible, bankrupted the entire game, owned and made every special gun there was.
so i want to know -from those of you who have played- HOW IS IT????? i havent been able to play it because my xbox took a rather unfortunate dive off the top of my stair case . . . . but it sadens me that i have yet to play the game that i have anticipated since i beat fallout 3 for the first time XD well tell me how it is: flaws, perks, new things, tips,tricks! that is all!


  1. I got this game today
    so far I'm liking it a lot, although the beginning was not as impressive as it was in fallout 3

  2. My cousin just got this game, anyone know if it is better than fallout 3?

  3. I really enjoyed this game a lot. I thought the gameplay was better than Fallout 3's, I can't tell you why though because honestly I don't know it just feels better if that makes any sense. I do have to agree with the guy who said the beginning wasn't as impressive, although I personally thought Ron Perlman's voice made up for that.

  4. I heard it contains a lot of bugs. But it should be an awesome game anyways.

  5. never played it until yet! i must check it out

  6. its the sequal, ill tell you that...you run a bit faster

  7. I will check youtube for some vids, game sounds fun

  8. haha yeah ill take a look0 iv been hearing alot of hype about it lately

  9. thanks for visiting my blogs!

  10. never played fallout, never will. check out my obnoxious article.

  11. This game is fucking


    Love it, even though I pirated the niggers out of it.

  12. Olala! I loved fallout 3, gonna get this one when i have the money!

  13. I can't wait to play this game, my roommate says he's gonna buy it :D :D

  14. really really want to play this

  15. the profession type skills are my favorite addition. Otherwise, its more of the same which is pretty awesome of course.

  16. I've still not played but looks great!

  17. Hmm.. Might actually get it.. Don't know yet!

  18. i know what i'm buying next paycheque!!
